Monday, June 7, 2010

Football Camp-Day 1

A month before school ended, the boys excitedly ran in with football camp sign-up forms. Just like every other activity form, I threw it to the side and said those famous words, "I'll think about it...." Almost every other day, the boys would ask, "Did you sign us up?" With all that excitement from them, you would think I would sign them up, right?! WRONG! You see, we have done this before! First, it was Soccer. Jackson showed more interest in butterflies than the ball. Second, it was Karate. Jackson and Jagger were sure they were ninjas so we thought it would be perfect. However, after the first couple of bows, they were done! We ended up dragging them there each week and promising them that we were going to finish after paying that much! Third, it was Basketball. They did pretty well but we still were the parents on the sidelines yelling at them to get their head in the game and out of the clouds! Yes, we are those kind of parents! So, after those attempts, we decided to wait on sports for a bit. However, after being repeatedly bothered about football, I decided we would start with a 4 day camp. So, I have been working them up for about 2 weeks now and today was day 1. I have to tell you that I absolutely love sports! I have dreamed for years of being the sports mom driving the minivan full of kids toting water bottles to all of their sports practices and games. So, today arrived and I think I was as excited as them. We arrived at the high school football stadium. I watched Jackson and Jagger's facial expressions in the rearview mirror turn to excitement as they exclaimed, "We get to play here?!?!" I said yes and then made them do a little chant about me being the coolest mom ever! We unloaded from my "minivan" and within seconds of walking up to the field, the boys were loudly prompted to hit the line and get ready to run. Jackson says, "oh boy, I can tell I'm gonna be tired after this!" I inwardly smiled, knowing they were in for a shock, very shortly! It wasn't long before I heard the coaches yelling those same old sayings..."I ain't your momma!" "We ain't here to look pretty!" "What are you....girls?!" I loved it! However, you could tell Jackson and Jagger didn't love it so much! I told them I would be back in an hour and a half and left.... I return to see boys running plays, throwing passes and tucking and running. I was impressed until the crowd cleared and I saw Jackson walking between plays and acting more like a football manager than a player. I was thinking what's wrong with you? Get with it Jackson! Put some pep in your step! Jagger was in it and working hard! The coaches are yelling at Jackson, "Hustle!" He was just walking like he couldn't even hear them. All I could think of was back in my junior high and high school days of sports and band activities. If the coach or director yelled at you, you had better move and follow it with yes sir or ma'am. If you didn't, you ran sprints and your parents would take care of it at home as well! I could feel my blood boiling from the sidelines watching the total lack of respect along with laziness. Day 1 of camp ended and of course the tongue lashing began and was met with every excuse in the world. I told them about the "old" days and what I expected which was met with eye rolls. I eventually got commitments of respect and hard work for day 2 but I will be staying to ensure it occurs. Start praying now, I will update tomorrow...

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