Friday, February 26, 2010

My Job Description

Well, I haven't blogged recently and for good reason. Marley joined the family on January 15th. She weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz. and was 20 inches long. She is GORGEOUS! I am sooo happy to have a little princess. She is a wonderful addition to our family.

I am currently reading a book called The Power Of A Positive Mom. I am really enjoying it. It has brought new light and hope to motherhood which can sometimes be very overwhelming. My first assignment was to write a job description for myself. I decided I would share it because I think any mom can relate whether you have one kid or five! This particular assignment reminded me that I am overworked and underpaid but that my employer is not my husband and kids. My employer is Jesus Christ! That encourages me to keep going on the terrible, horrible, no good, very BAD days! My reward is in Heaven and not in this world!!!

My Job Description & Responsibilities

Utilize and apply principles to the home and its’ cohabitants in order to manage an extremely chaotic environment. This is a permanent position and will last the rest of your life. It is a challenging position which requires bravery, endurance, all of the Fruits of the Spirit and the ability to, at times, just keep your mouth shut. You must possess incredible communication, organizational and motivational skills. Must be able to encourage at all costs, even when you know the outcome and without saying, “I told you so!”. The hours of this position are long. In fact, they are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is no vacation that does not include frequent bathroom breaks, sleepless nights in a hotel and the ability to drown out fighting children and repetitive phrases like, “Are we there yet?”. In fact, you may need a vacation the moment you return from one. Must be able to respond quickly with cat like reflexes to falls, fighting, flying objects and phrases such as, “Mommy, I feel like I’m gonna puke….” or “Bubba is bleeding!” However, be sure not to show too much excitement which could induce crying that otherwise would have never occurred. Heavy lifting and maintenance work required. Must be able to repair toys, replace batteries and fix broken items “before daddy finds out!” Must be able to manage and coordinate calendars of multiple family members. This position includes a great deal of janitorial services including but not limited to clutter pick-up which occurs repetitively throughout the entire day, laundry, dishes, dusting, floor care and more. Must provide three square meals and “somewhat healthy” snacks each day. Embarrassment will occur frequently and without warning. Must always hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst. The “worst” can come in many forms! Must encourage each cohabitant with the love of Christ and instill in them the Fruits of the Spirit each day. When the actual child rearing is complete, be prepared to hear, “I’m the way I am because of YOU!” Hopefully, that’s a good thing!?

Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.

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