Sunday, September 27, 2009

I guess we're "oinking" now?!

Well, wouldn't you know this would happen to us?! On Friday, I took Maverick (our 2 year old) to the doctor and had him tested for Strep and Swine Flu. I was just doing it as precaution really because he had been acting lethargic, walking around crying, falling asleep during the middle of the day (if you know Maverick, this is NOT normal) and then started getting some spots in his mouth. Test results were prefaced with my pediatrician telling me to sit down and then the news, positive result for both Swine Flu and Strep. I think I followed with a blank stare and then said, "You're kidding, right?!" He laughed (still trying to figure out why) and said "well, I haven't seen a case like this one yet but I'm not surprised it happened to you." Now, what in the he#* is that supposed to mean? I mean, for heavens sake, I let the kid drink coffee! I thought that was supposed to kill everything! I know, I know, all you first time moms are going WHAT?!?! She lets him drink coffee?!?! It's not like I get up in the morning and make him a cup. I have just learned with multiple kids that some battles are not worth fighting and I let him have sips off mine! So, anyways, he got worse yesterday. He was just walking around drooling because it hurt too bad to swallow with all the blisters (I followed him with a towel wiping up the drool) and he wouldn't eat anything. It just hurt too bad! So, then, I went to change his diaper and lo and behold, blisters everywhere. They were spreading to his hands and feet too! So, back to the doctor, and prognosis, Swine Flu, Strep and Hand, Foot and Mouth. We thought we were headed to the hospital but the doctor decided we should give him an IV of fluids and a prescription for Tylenol with Codeine for all the pain and go from there. So, by last night, he was doing a little better and I was starting to feel like I was coming down with something. I have a sore throat and stomach ache. I am just praying that I don't get it, being prego and all, there is alot of risk. In the words of my imperfect husband, who yesterday had a "perfect" moment, he said, "Lara, you can't get this!" "You are the glue that holds this family together!" See what I mean by a "perfect" moment?!?! Sometimes, he really surprises me and reminds me why I married him! : )

Anyways, in the meantime, pray for us! This could be a very long week! Oh yeah, and STAY AWAY from the "Oinkers!"

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